Minimal intervention and reversibility are key tenets of historic restoration and building restoration. The Cintec™ anchoring system adheres to both goals.
Cintec™ anchoring is the least intrusive intervention available in most cases for building restoration and historic restoration where the alternative would be to dismantle and rebuild a structure.
For example, a typical Cintec™ application is the use of stitching anchors to tie several wythes of masonry together. These are typically installed on a 1-metre (1-yard) square grid. The hole is 20 mm (3/4”) in diameter and the anchor body is 10 mm (3/8”) in diameter.
Cintec™ recognizes that historic restoration and building restoration requires a particularly sensitive approach, especially when tackling structural issues. Any historic restoration and building restoration structural intervention has to make a minimal impact on the fabric of the building, preferably be reversible, and, at the same time, avoid making any visible alteration.
By working closely with all parties with an interest in historical or heritage projects, Cintec™ designs anchoring systems for historic restoration and building restoration that offer the least intervention available in most cases where the alternative would be to dismantle and rebuild a structure.