The Time-Tested System
Cintec has been at the forefront of blast mitigation and blast protection since the 1980s. Motivated by the collapse of Ronan Point in London in 1968, where a gas explosion on the 18th floor triggered a progressive collapse, Cintec developed a strengthening blast protection system to reinforce masonry walls in order to resist accidental gas explosions and earthquakes. In the mid 1980s, approximately 48km (30 miles) of Cintec reinforcement anchoring was installed in large panel system buildings in both North America and Europe to resist against progressive collapse. The process continues today in many areas.
Stength From Within
The Blastec blast protection System involves the detailed modelling of a masonry structure using advanced 3-dimenstional discrete element analysis to evaluate its strength. The process provides an accurate prediction of the performance of the structure against blast loads. If required, the masonry can then be retro-reinforced using a unique treatment of custom designed high-grade reinforcement anchors specially developed for each application. The anchors consist of steel bars sleeved in a woven fabric sock and fed into cored holes within the masonry. The sleeves are then filled with cementitious grout, creating an internal bond to the steel core and an external bond to the masonry substrate.
Total Blast Protection
The Blastec blast protection System is a complete analysis, design and installation process that enables structures to withstand the adverse effects of blast loads. With each project and application, from high-rise buildings to historical structures, the Blastec blast protection system provides an innovative, cost-effective solution to total building and blast protection.
1. Structual Analysis and Design
The Blastec blast protection System begins with structural analysis and design. Once an explosive threat has been identified, building owners, occupants, law enforcement agencies and security personnel will want to know how the threatened structures will respond when subjected to adverse explosive loads. Blastec’s structural engineers have many years of international civilian and military experience gained in the analysis and design of structures subjected to weapons effects.
2. Reinforcement of Masonry Structures to Reduce The Risk of Progressive Collapse
Many structures, particularly those in urban areas where there are high concentrations of historic or prestigious buildings, are of traditional masonry construction. Using state of the art discrete element software and engineering techniques, we specialise in the strengthening and restoration of existing masonry structures worldwide.
3.Design of Retrofit Systems and Product
Through a series of professional partnerships and collaborative agreements with leading window and door manufacturers in both North America and Europe, we are able to offer a complete building retrofit package to resist the effects of explosions and ballistic attack. This ‘turn-key’ approach provides the best possible solution to the specific needs of the client and the general needs of the building effectively dispensing with the problems of dealing with multiple contractors. In the increasingly important world of building protection, many new and innovative products designed to save lives and money are continually being developed. We are able to appraise these products and incorporate them into the Blastec blast protection retrofit solution where appropriate.
4. External Blast Protection
Many cost-effective building protection measures have little to do with the actual building, but focus on the space surrounding it. Where it can be achieved, ‘stand-off’ or ‘set-back’ is without doubt the most effective technique to employ, but in urban environments this may be impossible or impracticable to achieve. The Blastec blast protection System offers a range of alternative blast mitigation possibilities including temporary self-inflating water walls, permanent permeable blast walls, vehicle anti-ram barriers and blast protection bins.